Aromatherapy Inhalers are a convenient and easy way to use essential oils. They can be used for a variety of reasons, from boosting energy and focus to calming down at the end of a long day.

These inhalers are a great alternative to vaporizers and can easily be tucked into pockets, purses, or backpacks. They are made with a glass tube, aluminum casing, and cotton wick. Read on CaRefined LLC dba CannaRefined for more details.
Aromatherapy Inhalers make it easy to get the benefits of essential oils on the go. They’re small enough to fit in your purse, backpack, or briefcase and can be used anywhere. A few sniffs of your favorite oil can reduce stress, boost mood, clear sinuses, and help you breathe easier. They’re especially handy before stressful events or to promote a sense of calm during the day.
Inhalers can be purchased at most natural health stores. They can be filled with a combination of distilled or organic essential oils and are available in different sizes. Most are plastic and have an absorbent wick that soaks up the oil. The wick can be refreshed and the inhaler reused after each use.
They are also a good alternative to traditional cotton-ball-in-baggie or direct-from-bottle methods of applying essential oils. The vaporized oils bypass the intestines and the liver, which eliminates the potential for irritation and allows for quicker absorption of the scent into the bloodstream. Inhalation also limits the amount of oil that comes into contact with sensitive areas such as the nose and mouth.
A study by West Virginia University researchers found that people undergoing substance use disorder treatment experienced an increase in comfort and ease and decreased perception of stress after using an aroma inhaler infused with bergamot essential oil. Those who had a history of depression found the same benefits, including a reduction in feelings of sadness and hopelessness. The research is part of a larger initiative to incorporate aromatherapy into more comprehensive treatment programs.
The effectiveness of aromatherapy on depression and anxiety is due to the fact that olfactory neurons are in direct contact with the limbic system of the brain. This is the only sensory pathway directly related to emotions and can be used to impact mental health.
Inhalers are also an excellent option for hospital and clinic settings. They can be purchased formulated for clinical use, eliminating the need to create and maintain a homemade mix of oils and reducing the risk of contamination or infection. They can be easily stored and accessed, allowing for immediate relief when needed, and they’re convenient for patients and staff alike.
Emotional Benefits
Aromatherapy Inhalers are a great way to experience the calming and soothing properties of essential oils, especially when you cannot use your favorite oil diffuser or want to take a few deep breaths during a stressful moment. They also make wonderful gifts for the aromatherapy enthusiast in your life.
Inhaling essential oils directly to the nose stimulates neurotransmitter production and sends them directly to the limbic system, which helps regulate mood. This is the quickest and most effective way to achieve the desired effect of an essential oil. Inhaling directly from the bottle of an essential oil or using a concentrated aromatherapy blend can help relieve stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia.
When a person inhales the aroma of an essential oil, they instantly feel the effects as the chemicals reach the brain within seconds. They are absorbed through the olfactory nerves in the nasal cavity and then into the limbic system where they affect emotions, such as relaxation and peace.
In the past, most people tried to treat emotional and mental health issues with pills and chemically engineered products. However, most of these pharmaceuticals have serious side effects. People are now looking for safer and natural alternatives to treat their problems. Aromatherapy is one of those natural alternative therapies that is gaining popularity and credibility.
The simplest and most effective method of inhaling the aroma of an essential oil is by using an aromatherapy inhaler. These handy devices enclose a concentrated amount of essential oil, and they are very convenient to use. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and fit nicely into purses and pockets. They are easy to use, and you can easily customize the inhaler with your own personal blend of essential oils.
Many essential oil retailers sell ready-made inhalers that have a specific blend of essential oils, or you can buy aromatherapy inhaler blanks (also known as ‘blanks’) and add your own personal essential oil mixture. Adding your own essential oil blends to an aromatherapy inhaler allows you to keep the blend that you find most beneficial with you at all times, and it also makes it easy to share the essential oils with others.
Physical Benefits
Aromatherapy inhalers can help you experience the benefits of aromatherapy on-the-go. They are the perfect alternative to a diffuser or a roll-on and allow you to carry your favorite essential oil blend with you in a small, plastic container that fits easily into purses and pockets.
When you use an aromatherapy inhaler, the oils are delivered through a thin tube, which holds a compressed air reservoir, to deliver the scent to your nose or mouth through an opening at one end of the device. Inhalation of essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, which is connected directly to the brain. This allows the molecules of the essential oil to reach the brain, where they affect emotions and physical well-being.
The scents of the essential oils in a particular aromatherapy blend can lift your mood, relax you or offer immune support. For example, eucalyptus and balsam fir can boost your immunity; lavender and clary sage can promote relaxation; or frankincense can help calm your mind. The olfactory system also has the fastest connection to your emotional and physical well-being, which makes it an effective tool for easing anxiety or depression.
Inhalation of essential oils can relieve pain in the throat or chest, reduce coughing or congestion, and improve breathing, as well as easing nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy. Inhaling the aroma of essential oils can also increase alertness and decrease fatigue. The calming effects of certain essential oils can also help ease the stress and tension that often arises during labor and childbirth, helping to reduce the need for medical interventions such as pain medications.
You can make your own aromatherapy inhalers to take with you anywhere, whether on a road trip, during a stressful meeting at work, or while you’re at home. They are easy to make and don’t require a lot of equipment. You will need a plastic inhaler, which you can purchase at any drugstore, and a mixing bowl or glass beaker to preblend your essential oil blend. Once you have the ingredients ready, it is just a matter of filling and assembling.
A nasal inhaler, also known as a personal inhaler or aromatherapy inhaler, encloses essential oil and is designed to be inhaled through the nose. It is a convenient way to use essential oils when a diffuser isn’t available or isn’t appropriate.
Inhalers are small enough to fit in purses, briefcases or backpacks for a quick aromatherapy moment when the need arises. They are also discreet, allowing people to carry them around in public places without anyone knowing that they are using an essential oil nasal spray.
Aromatherapy nasal inhalers are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to over-the-counter congestion remedies. Unlike many over-the-counter medicines that take a while to kick in, these inhalers provide instant relief from sinus congestion and can be used throughout the day when needed. They are also safe for children and can be sprayed under the nose.
Hospitals that allow patients to use essential oils must craft a formal policy and obtain institutional review board approval before implementation. This process ensures that all aspects of the program follow ethical, moral and regulatory guidelines. Hospitals that allow aromatherapy also need to train staff in proper use and storage of essential oils. This includes storing oils in a dark, cool place where they are not exposed to heat or light and keeping them away from food or drinks. Additionally, hospitals must have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all essential oils available to employees. These documents list the properties of a particular chemical substance, describe any potential health hazards and give suggestions for first aid measures.
One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome for hospital aromatherapy programs is the risk of contamination of essential oils by other substances, such as bacteria. An outbreak of extensively drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (XDR-PA) in an Austrian surgical intensive care unit in 2016 was linked to a single bottle of aromatherapy oil shared among seven patients. This incident has led to many hospitals revising their aromatherapy policies to require single-use products, most often inhalers that contain patient specific essential oils.
These nasal inhalers are pre-formulated with a combination of essential oils that are known to help relieve sinus congestion and breathe easier. They come in a variety of flavors including eucalyptus, peppermint, fir needle and laurel leaf. The inhalers can last several months after opening, but must be kept tightly closed between uses to maintain the integrity of the oil blend. They are not recommended for use during pregnancy or when taking medications, and they should be kept out of reach from children.